October is National Physical Therapy Month
Clients, doctors & referring sources all over the world are taking advantage of physical therapy. Physical therapy can help improve someone’s daily abilities and activities for those who have medical & health related problems. Physical therapists (PT’s) can assist in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of health problems associated with bones, joints, nerves, tendons, ligaments, circulation, & muscles. Pain management/pain relief, advancements with balance and mobility, improved confidence and enhanced mood are a few of the countless examples of PT benefits. October is called ‘National Physical Therapy Month’, according to the American Physical Therapy Association.
Why PT?
Each and every person out there deserves to live an enjoyable, healthy and painless life. Lifestyle, pain, injury or weakness can have a negative affect on how we live our lives every day. The things most of us take for granted, such as: getting in/out of bed, taking a bath, getting dressed, sitting and standing can be extremely painful. This is where Back In Motion Sarasota Physical Therapy can help. Our team of highly trained Physical Therapists can help any person in need live a more mobile, safer, pain-free life.
Why Try Physical Therapy in Sarasota Florida?
Physical therapists now are required to obtain a Doctoral Degree and train for several years to learn how the human body works including human anatomy & physiology. Our Physical Therapists are trained to know how your bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood circulation, and nerves operate to promote mobility & allow you to do the things you do. The knowledge our PT’s in Sarasota Florida have allows our physical therapists to fix what others cannot fix. We are the local experts in promoting strength, flexibility, improving balance/eliminating vertigo, and pain reduction all while following strict insurance regulations.
The staff at Back In Motion Sarasota Physical Therapy have specialty training and access to revolutionary FDA approved technology which is proven to promote rapid healing. No other physical therapy clinic around Sarasota Florida can deliver the level of service that our team can. Don’t expect ultrasound, electrical stimulation, heat and ice at our clinic. Although we have that, our level of expertise far exceeds traditional physical therapy services and modalities.
Our staff has received the latest training with ‘hands on techniques’. We only perform one on one physical therapy and you will never be double booked. When you are in our clinic, you will be the only client the physical therapist will be working with. When appropriate, your physical therapist may recommend other treatments such as massage therapy by our licensed massage therapist. Your massage therapy is often covered by your health insurance when delivered under a Physical Therapist’s plan of care.
Baby boomers (those born between 1946-1964) are coming to age where physical therapy may serve them benefit. Â As boomers become ‘more senior’, they are more prone to a number of age related problems. Even seemingly minor injury or illness as we become ‘more senior’ can result in joint & muscle stiffness, along with a multitude of other health related problems.
Back In Motion, Sarasota Physical Therapy: We Are Here To Help.
By October of each year, many of you have met your insurance regulated out of pocket maximums or deductibles. Do not delay. Do not wait until the holidays or the beginning of the new calender year when your deductible will be due again. If you have been thinking about scheduling an appointment, now is the right time. Our team will be sure to get you set up with an appointment time that works well with your current schedule. Physical Therapy in Sarasota Florida is being redefined by Back In Motion Sarasota Physical Therapy. Before you go to a different PT clinic in or around Sarasota, call us at (941)925-2700 to schedule a tour of our facility and meet one of our licensed Physical Therapists.