Building our immune system and the coronavirus

Have you asked the question, “Building our immune system and the Coronavirus is this crucial?”.  Especially during this time with the epidemic that has spread across our globe. Firstly, having a robust immune system can help us fight this virus and meanwhile help us with any other illnesses out there. Secondly, this is the perfect time to step back and look at our health and ask ourselves, are we eating the right foods? Are we getting the right amount of exercise in each day?

These are all things we need to think about to stay healthy and beat this virus.

Thirdly, now is an excellent time to be proactive with our health and hygiene, and besides, build our immune systems. Here are some suggestions:


Foods to boost our immune system

Immune boosting foods


  • Citrus Fruits
  • Spinach
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Yogurt
  • Almonds

Benefits of eating nutrient-rich foods

Adding nutrient-rich foods to our daily diet will benefit us in many ways. As we age, our antioxidant levels drop, which can cause health risk factors and place us at higher risk for catching viruses. Meanwhile, if you are not a person who likes to eat fruits and vegetables, you can supplement with vitamins.

However, I would ask your primary doctor for recommendations.

That is to say,  drinking plenty of water is essential to flush out toxins in our body. Most importantly, drinking at least 64 oz a day is what your goal should be. Indeed if you are like me who finds water bland try adding lemon and mint for a refreshing taste or using a water bottle infuser.

However, one of my other favorite recipes that my grandma used to give me when I was coming down with a cold. Hot water, freshly squeezed lemons, ginger, turmeric, and honey. Drinking this several times throughout the day is excellent for building your immune system. 


To summarize, “Building our immune system and the Coronavirus is this crucial?” I would say “Yes” as the more reliable our immune system is, the healthier our bodies will remain. To learn about how the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Program can help you, Call today for a FREE CONSULTATION 941-925-2700 Ask for Jasmin. 



About the Author Tim Burnell, PT

Tim Burnell is the Lead Physical Therapist at Back In Motion Sarasota. He has over two decades of clinical experience. He takes pride in getting to the root of the problem which helps get his clients better...Faster! He is a family man & enjoys spending time with the love of his life, Monique. He has 2 children & a dog named Annie. Tim's son, Andre' is 11 years old and his daughter Joliebelle (nicknamed Pooky) is 7 years old. He enjoys visiting his wife's side of the family in New Orleans and his side of the family in Vermont. Tim grew up in Vermont, went to Physical Therapy School in Alabama, got his first job at Tulane Hospital in New Orleans and moved to Sarasota Florida after Hurricane Katrina in 2006.

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